Events & Celebrations
Your events and celebrations become something extraordinary at the Menumbing Heritage Hotel, Pangkal Pinang. The architecturally impressive hotel in Bangka Island is a great event location for parties and celebrations of all sizes and is especially well-suited for wedding celebrations. The indoor and outdoor hotel facilities, the experienced staff and impeccable service, the variety of menus, the sophisticated décor and festive atmosphere along with the opportunity to add your personal touch are some of the milestones for a great social event or celebration in Menumbing Heritage Hotel.
IDR Rp. 110 ++ 1 Soup, 2 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 130 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 150 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice), 1 Stalls
Fish And Chip
Fish Fingger
Butterfly Prawn Fritter
Prawn Fritter with Remoulade Sauce
Crumbed Of Dori Fish with Tartar Sauce
Ikan Nila Goreng Kuning
Gulai Ikan
Ikan Mas Pepes Daun Singkong
Bakwan Udang Sayuran
Pindang Kuning Tenggiri
Ikan Masak Kemangi
Ikan Goreng Saus Dabu Dabu
Ikan Masak Santan Pedas
Udang Goreng Lada Garam
Udang Mayonaise
Fish Katsu with Hot Mayonaise
Ikan Asam Manis Pedas
Ikan Tahu Tausi
Ikan Saus Lemon
Weiner Sneitzel
Barbecue Beef Ribs
Braised Beef Bolzano
Stir Fried Of Beef with Bbq Sauce
Sliced Beef with Sreak Sauce
Rendang Sengkel
Empal Serundeng
Terik Daging dengan Kentang
Terik Daging
Dendeng Balado
Dendeng Batokok
Daging Begane
Udang Goreng Lada Garam
Udang Mayonaise
Fish Katsu with Hot Mayonaise
Ikan Asam Manis Pedas
Ikan Tahu Tausi
Ikan Saus Lemon
Fried Chicken Steak with Mushroom Sauce
Chicken Picatta
Stuffed Chicken with Duxell
Fried Chicken with Buffallo Sauce
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Chicken Rolled with Spinach
Roasted Chicken with Spice Herbs And Papprika
Char Grilled Chicken with Bbq Sauce
Gulai Ayam
Ayam Panggang Padang
Ayam Kremes
Ayam Panggang Kecap
Ayam Woku
Singgang Ayam
Opor Ayam Kering
Semur Ayam
Ayam Kung Pau
Crispy Chicken
Chicken With Pandan Leaf
Chiken Katsu
Stirfried Chicken With Basil Leaf
Deep Fried Chicken With Shrimp Paste
Char Grilled Chicken With Bbq Thai Sauce