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Events & Celebrations

Your events and celebrations become something extraordinary at the Menumbing Heritage Hotel, Pangkal Pinang. The architecturally impressive hotel in Bangka Island is a great event location for parties and celebrations of all sizes and is especially well-suited for wedding celebrations. The indoor and outdoor hotel facilities, the experienced staff and impeccable service, the variety of menus, the sophisticated décor and festive atmosphere along with the opportunity to add your personal touch are some of the milestones for a great social event or celebration in Menumbing Heritage Hotel.



IDR Rp. 110 ++ 1 Soup, 2 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 130 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice)
IDR Rp. 150 ++ 1 Soup, 3 Main Dishes (Beef, Chicken or Seafood), 1 Vegetable, 1 Starch, 2 Dessert (Buah Potong + Choice), 1 Stalls





Glazed Vegetable



Sayur Buncis Dengan Tahu Kuning
Tumis Jagung Muda dengan Cabe Hijau
Sambal Goreng Kentang Udang
Kacang Panjang Bumbu Kari
Tumis Toge Tahu Goreng
Tumis Labu Siam dengan Udang
Bakwan Jagung Manis
Gulai Rebung



Kembang Kol Cah Garlic
Stir Fried Vegetble with Shrimp
Tahu Masak Tausi
Fried Mixed Vegetable Tempura
Kailan Cah Bawang Putih
Sauteed Bean Sproute with Butter
and Garlic
Fried Tofu with Thai Sauce

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